Tuesday, February 14, 2012

In The Cage Reading Journal

This novella was indeed a more complicated read than Bartleby, I had to reread quite a few times to understand exactly what was going . Sometimes even after rereading I was still confused. The style in which the story is written made me feel distant from the characters. I' never really felt a intimate connection with the reading. It felt as if I had to push through a bunch of people to figure out the events or conversations that were occurring. To be honest I couldn't finish reading the text because I wanted to get more sense out of it during the class discussion. I want to know why she sees her work place as a cage. Her relationship with Mr. Mudge is quiet awkward as well so I would like to get a better sense of the relationship as well. I know that as a telegraphist she's receiving and sending messages from people and I notice that she does poke her nose into these people's lives. Overall, I just need help!

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